About Us
Optimized Gas Treating, Inc. (OGT) provides the highest quality simulation software products and consulting services. All calculations and models are based on solidly-grounded scientific and engineering principles, not rules of thumb. We began in 1992 with the first-ever, true, fundamental mass and heat transfer rate-based absorber simulator for amine systems. Today it has grown into a set of process simulation tools covering acid gas treating with generic and proprietary amines and physical solvents, dehydration, sour water stripping, quench towers, LNG production, ammonia syngas, HotPot scrubbing, caustic treating, and all the unit operations that exist in a sulphur recovery unit, in addition to many others — all this without compromising the ultimate in simulation accuracy as our main objective. OGT simulation software now boasts an Excel-based tool for completely automated unit monitoring. OGT|Suite is fully compliant with CO-LaN's interface standard for thermodynamics and unit operations, allowing it to be seamlessly integrated with other software including, for example, HTRI’s Xchanger Suite®, or any other CAPE-OPEN compliant software. CAPE-OPEN is developed, distributed and maintained by CO-LaN. OGT is an Associate Member of CO-LaN.