Thermal Reactor
The Thermal Reactor (or Reaction Furnace) in an SRU is responsible not just for partially combusting H2S to SO2 but also for forming undesirable contaminants such as BTEX, COS, CO2 and CS2 from the hydrocarbon content of the feed gas and for destroying ammonia. All of these are poisons to the catalysts in the downstream converters. SulphurPro® determines the fate of these species based on fundamental chemical reaction kinetics, not on curve fits to often unreliable or poorly measured operating data from similar units. Alternatively, SulphurPro offers the choice of inputting fixed conversion information on these components for matching plant data or modeling atypical equipment and process configurations.
SulphurPro's Thermal Reactor module has options to use a burner that is either perfectly mixed or hi-Intensity type to
- assess ammonia and BTEX/hydrocarbon destruction kinetically, or
- use Gibbs free energy minimization or
- fixed conversion intended for matching plant data or modeling atypical situations (NH3 destruction, H2S to H2 conversion, feed carbon to CO and COS, feed HC to CS2).